Bootcamp Classes
Our Bootcamp Classes are high energy, group workouts led by our expert coaches. While all workouts are intense, we vary the focus to make sure you’re getting the maximum impact. Some classes are geared toward strength so you can build muscle that will improve performance and help you burn more calories, even when you’re at rest. For those we incorporate functional movements along with traditional strength training to pump you up. Other classes focus on fat burning so we crank up your metabolism using HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and cardio conditioning exercises. Every workout culminates with a great stretch and a little relaxation so that you leave feeling loose, refreshed, and ready to take on the world.
At the beginning of each class, your coach will explain the workout (which is written on the big board) and demonstrate each movement. Then, during the session the coach will circulate making sure you’re doing the exercises correctly and providing a hefty dose of motivation. And don’t worry, every workout and exercise is scalable and adjustable to suit all fitness levels and abilities. So you can work at your own individual level in a supportive atmosphere.